Winter Calendar Locations
Check Facebook on the day for any late changes to run details.
The Club’s 2024 Winter Program calendar is available as a separate document on the Club’s website.
To assist Club members, the locations of various courses that may be included in our yearly program are described below.
Course Lady Carrington Drive (Cross Country)
Description Drive into the Royal National Park via Farnell Avenue and proceed across the Audley causeway. Turn right just past the car park and continue straight ahead beside the river for about 800m. All races start and finish at the car park next to the Lady Carrington Drive entrance. This is a beautiful out-and-back course alongside the upper reaches of the Port Hacking River.

Course “Ron O’Meara Run”, Yala Road, Bangor (Cross Country)
Description Park near the tennis courts in Yala Road, Bangor. The course is in bushland with a mix of grass and road. This is a tough undulating course.
Note: The Ron O’Meara Perpetual Trophy will be awarded for best junior performance from the 2k and 3k groups (based on handicap improvement) at the Bangor run.
Bottle Forest, East Heathcote
Course Bottle Forest (Cross Country)
Description Bottle Forest Road, East Heathcote – proceed to the end of Bottle Forest Road, where it meets the Royal National Park. This course is undulating along National Park trails.

Endeavour Cup Venues
Event Annual Combined Club Cross Country
Description Each year Sutherland competes in a combined event with Illawong, Randwick-Botany, & St George Clubs for the Endeavour Cup. Annually the clubs take turn to host this event.
Note: This event is open to all club members. As we are competing against other clubs, our runners are asked to wear their club uniform. When Sutherland hosts this event, the Club will select and utilize one of our listed locations.
The location of the venue when hosted by either, Illawong, St. George or Randwick Botany Athletic Clubs is as follows:
- Miranda Park (when Illawong hosts)
The start/finish is adjacent to The Kingsway, Miranda. This is a grassy undulating course.
- Miranda Park (when Illawong hosts)
- Scarborough Park (when St. George hosts)
The run starts in Scarborough Park, near Syd Frost Hall, Hawthorne St, Ramsgate. This is a flat course over grass.
- Scarborough Park (when St. George hosts)
- Mutch Park, Pagewood/East Gardens (when Randwick Botany hosts) The run starts in Mutch Park, Wentworth Avenue, Pagewood/East Gardens. This is
combination of a flat course over grass with undulating sections.
- Mutch Park, Pagewood/East Gardens (when Randwick Botany hosts) The run starts in Mutch Park, Wentworth Avenue, Pagewood/East Gardens. This is
Ferntree, Engadine
Course Ferntree (Cross Country)
Description Ferntree Reserve, Engadine, is at the intersection of Ferntree Avenue and Ridge Road. This is a tough, hilly course, largely beside the Waterboard Pipeline.
All runs proceed down a steep hill.

Grays Point
Course Grays Point (Cross Country)
Description The start is at the southern end of Grays Point Road, just south of the Grays Point Primary School. This undulating course is along service trails in the Royal
National Park.
Miranda Park
Course Miranda Park (Cross Country)
Description Events will commence at Miranda Park near the preschool adjacent to The Boulevarde, Miranda. An undulating, grass course.

Solander Fields
Course Solander Fields (Road)
Description Events will commence at the northern end of Solander Fields, Woolooware and proceed along the pedestrian/bike path towards Taren Point. A flat, fast course.
Sutherland Bike Track
Course Sutherland Bike Track (Road)
Description The bike track is at the southern end of Waratah Park, on Rawson Avenue, Sutherland. The course consists of multiple laps of the track, which is undulating, including one tough hill.

Sutherland Half Marathon. Audley
Course: Sutherland Half Marathon Gala Day (Cross Country)
Description: Drive into the Royal National Park via Farnell Avenue and proceed across the Audley causeway. Turn right past the carpark and continue beside the river for about 800m. All races start and finish at the car park next to the Lady Carrington Drive entrance.
This is a beautiful out-and-back course alongside the upper reaches of the Port Hacking River. Prizes are awarded on the day for winners & placegetters in the Half Marathon.
Note: There are early event times. Please check the club’s website for full details. Open to everyone including the public, so tell all your friends!
The Ridge Sporting Complex, Barden Ridge
Course The Ridge (Track and Cross Country)
Description This event is held by Illawong Athletics Club. The Ridge Sporting Complex is situated along New Illawarra Road, Barden Ridge. Meet near the athletics

Uloola Falls, Waterfall
Course Uloola Falls (Cross Country)
Description: Drive to Waterfall, taking the Railway Station exit (left) then proceed along McKell Avenue. Just past the Fire Station and Primary School walk down a narrow service road left down to Waterfall Oval. Note parking is only available on
McKell Ave and access to Waterfall Oval along the service road can only be accessed by walking. The course is undulating along a fire trail.
Wanda Greenhills Trail
Course Wanda Greenhills (Cross Country)
Description: Events will commence at the park adjoining the Wanda Beach car park.
The course is hilly on a fire trail adjoining the sand hills, and for the 10km group the race goes out to Boat Harbour along the beach.

Woronora – Pipeline Trail
Course Woronora – Pipeline Trail (Cross Country)
Description: Events will commence at the end of Thorp Rd, Woronora and proceed along the Pipeline Trail towards Woronora Heights. A tough, hilly course. Parking is
available along The Crescent and at Prince Edward Park.
Event: Winter Club Presentation Day and Barbeque
Description: Sylvania Waters Athletics Track beside the grandstand.
Note: Meat for the BBQ will be supplied by the club, however, members are asked to bring either – a salad or dessert, as well as their own drinks, plates & cutlery. Refer to the club’s website for further details.

Note: In all instances refer to the ANSW website (
for start times and other details. Sutherland athletes must be ANSW
registered and wear club uniform. Additionally there will be early start times.
St George Classic – Scarborough Park, Ramsgate
Course NSW Novice Cross Country Championships
Description: This event is hosted by St George District Athletics Club. The run starts
in Scarborough Park, near Syd Frost Hall, Hawthorne St, Ramsgate. This is a flat
course over grass.
Note: Club members who are not registered with ANSW are able to compete in fun
NSW Road (Sydney 10) – Sydney Olympic Park
Course NSW Road Championships
Description: This event is hosted by the Sydney Striders Road Runners Club. The
venue is Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush.
NSW Cross Country Relays – The Armory
Course NSW Cross Country Relays, Miranda Park
Description: This event is hosted by Athletics NSW. The venue is at The Armory at
Sydney Olympic Park. Note: Refer to the SDAC Team Selection Policy.
NSW Long Course Cross Country – Nowra
Course NSW Cross Country Long Course Championships.
Description: This event is hosted by Nowra Athletics Club. The run is held at the
Willandra Cross Country venue, Browns Mountain Road, Cambewarra. The location is
north west of Nowra. This is a grassy undulating course with some tough hilly
NSW Road Relay – The Crest, Georges Hall
Course NSW Road Relay Championships
Description: This event is hosted by Bankstown Athletics Club and is located at The
Crest Athletics Track, Georges Hall. Note: Refer to the SDAC Team Selection Policy.
NSW Short-Course Cross Country – Dapto
Course NSW Short-Course Cross Country Championships
Description: This event is hosted by Kembla Joggers located at Integral Energy Park
west of Dapto. Refer to the ANSW website ( for start times
and other details.
NSW Half Marathon – Sydney Olympic Park
Course NSW Half Marathon (Road)
Description: Event will be hosted at Sydney Olympic Park.
NSW Marathon Championships, Sydney
Course NSW Marathon Championships, Sydney
Type Road
Description: Held in conjunction with the Sydney Marathon. Refer to Sydney
Marathon website for full details, as well as the ANSW website
Note: Athletes MUST pre-register directly with Sydney Marathon. They MUST wear
their Sutherland running uniform.