To all current members of Sutherland District Athletics Club Dear Members, A new version of the Sutherland District Athletics Club’s Constitution, as amended 7th May 2023, is now available on the Club’s website here: https://drive

To all current members of Sutherland District Athletics Club

Dear Members,

A new version of the Sutherland District Athletics Club’s Constitution, as amended 7th May 2023, is now available on the Club’s website here:

The changes to the Constitution are clearly noted in the red for your attention.

Essentially these changes are enhancements that should have appeared in the original version. They relate to:
1. Clarification of club membership.
2. Verification that the Chairperson of the Winter Cross Country will automatically be the Vice President of the Club’s Executive Committee.
3. The requirement for all Club members, undertaking voluntary or paid work involving child related activities, to have had a Working with Children Check.

Please note the changes. I hope you can attend the special General Meeting to be held at 7pm on Sunday 28th May at Tradies.

Ric Chapman

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