Name Change Update Greetings members

Name Change Update

Greetings members.

Firstly, I’d like to thank all of you who have expressed opinions both for and against in regards to the name change proposal.

The social media banter has been compelling reading and I have read EVERY single comment.

I am all for healthy discussion but not personal attacks just because a fellow man has a different view.

We are better than that.

Anyway, all that aside, I have had quite some time of late to soul-search this name change idea I floated 11 months ago.

I believe it will help the club in all the areas we need it to – BUT – it is clearly hurting the club in an area that I am most passionate about – that of harmony.

We are a house divided and I feel my motion is to blame.

So, because it means far, far more to me to have a club of happy, vivacious, dedicated athletes creating that ‘sea of blue’ I preach, I am officially withdrawing Motion 2 (the proposal to change the name of our club).

When we go to the AGM this Sunday at Tradies at 8pm, the talk of changing our name will now NOT be on the agenda.

I love this club, I love the Shire and I just want to govern over a happy bunch of athletes and their extended family.

I am sorry for the unrest caused – it was just my ideology and vision of the club that propelled it – so I will respect and continue to love the club and name Sutherland District Athletic Club!

Warmest regards,

Ric Chapman

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