Race day footage from yesterday’s Jack Giddy Gift!

Race day footage from yesterday’s Jack Giddy Gift!

Thank you to all club volunteers and NSW Athletic League for their support in putting on a great event!

Thank you to our sponsors, Revvies, Runnulla and Fitness Abdiction for their support in the Elzy Wellings 1000 and 40m Dash for Cash!

Thanks to Ryan Talbot for the great footage!

Results for the Elzy Wellings 1000 and 40m Dash for Cash will be available soon.

Results for the other events can be accessed here: https://www.val.org.au/Portals/0/PastResults/Season%202022-23/2023%20Jack%20Giddy%20Results.pdf?ver=AGqni5N4JKidLGK729dHPw%3d%3d

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